Simplified User Management With Single Sign-On

Integrate ProcureDesk with your corporate identity management provider like Microsoft Azure, Okta and Onelogin

Increase Compliance, Reduce Support Cost

Increase Compliance, Reduce Support Cost

ProcureDesk leverages SAML 2.0 (Security Assertion Markup Language) standard to integrate with your identity provider.Microsoft ADFS, Okta, One-login, and many more.

How It Works

Enable/Configure SSO

We will provide you details that you can configure in your system.

Provide Details To ProcureDesk

Import your identity provider details into ProcureDesk

Start Using Single Sign-On

Single Sign-on is now enabled for your employees. The authorization model is still controlled and configured in ProcureDesk

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Common Questions

SSO is a user authentication service that allows a user to use one set of login credentials (e.g., username and password) to access multiple applications. ProcureDesk's SSO integration simplifies user management by integrating with corporate identity management providers, ensuring compliance with password policies, reducing support costs, and streamlining onboarding and offboarding processes​​.

Implementing SSO can present challenges such as integrating with existing applications and systems, ensuring security against potential exploits by hackers, and overcoming the single point of failure risk, where one breach could potentially compromise multiple systems​​​​.

Before selecting an SSO vendor, it's crucial to evaluate whether the solution supports your software and applications without needing unique customizations, the deployment speed, how user provisioning and access assignments are handled, the security measures like multi-factor authentication support, and the overall cost-to-value conversion of the solution​​.

SSO can enhance security by reducing the number of passwords users must remember, thereby decreasing the chance of weak password usage. Best practices include implementing multi-factor authentication, ensuring proper configuration and access control, and keeping the SSO system updated with the latest security patches​​.

Yes, when integrating SSO with cloud-based applications, it's often easier and more cost-effective, using Identity as a Service (IDaaS) for a smoother integration with modern SaaS applications. However, integrating SSO with legacy systems can be more challenging and expensive, often requiring custom-built solutions or middleware to ensure secure implementation​​.