category management

  • By ProcureDesk
  • March 25,2024
  • 10 min read

category management

Category management is a strategic approach used in procurement and accounts payable process to organize purchasing activities into categories. This method enables businesses to achieve high performance by aligning their strategies with the company’s overall objectives. Category management is a complex term that encompasses various aspects of procurement, including sourcing, supplier management, and cost management. This article will provide a comprehensive explanation of category management, its key elements, and its role in procurement and accounts payable process.

Category management is a key component of strategic sourcing and is often used in conjunction with other procurement strategies to maximize value and reduce costs. It involves the classification of goods and services into distinct groups based on their characteristics or the market’s segmentation. By doing so, businesses can better understand their spend, identify opportunities for savings, and improve their relationships with suppliers.

Origins of Category Management

The concept of category management originated in the retail industry in the 1980s. Retailers sought to improve their relationships with suppliers and increase their profitability by grouping similar products together and managing them as a single entity. Over time, this approach was adopted by other industries, including procurement, where it is now considered a best practice.

Category management in procurement differs from its retail counterpart in several ways. In procurement, category management is not just about grouping similar products or services together. It also involves analyzing the supply market, developing strategic sourcing strategies, and managing supplier relationships. Despite these differences, the underlying principle remains the same: to manage categories of spend in a strategic manner to deliver maximum value.

Evolution of Category Management

Category management has evolved significantly since its inception. Initially, it was primarily focused on reducing costs. However, as the procurement function has become more strategic, the focus of category management has shifted towards delivering value. This includes not only cost savings but also improved supplier performance, innovation, and risk management.

Today, category management is seen as a strategic tool that can help organizations achieve their business objectives. It is no longer just about cost reduction; it is about aligning procurement activities with the company’s overall strategy. This shift in focus has led to the development of new techniques and tools for category management, such as spend analysis, supplier segmentation, and strategic sourcing.

Key Elements of Category Management

Category management is a complex process that involves several key elements. These include category definition, category analysis, strategy development, supplier management, and performance measurement. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in the successful implementation of a category management program.

The first step in category management is defining the categories. This involves identifying the goods and services that the organization purchases and grouping them into distinct categories based on their characteristics or the market’s segmentation. The aim is to create categories that are manageable and that reflect the organization’s spend profile.

Category Analysis

Once the categories have been defined, the next step is to analyze them. This involves understanding the supply market, the organization’s spend, and the suppliers. The aim is to identify opportunities for savings, improve supplier performance, and reduce risk. This analysis forms the basis for the development of the category strategy.

Category analysis is a critical component of category management. It provides the insights needed to develop effective strategies and make informed decisions. It involves a detailed examination of the category, including its size, growth, profitability, and competitive dynamics. It also involves understanding the organization’s current and future needs, as well as the capabilities and limitations of the suppliers.

Strategy Development

Based on the insights gained from the category analysis, the next step is to develop a category strategy. This strategy outlines the approach that the organization will take to manage the category and achieve its objectives. It includes the sourcing strategy, the supplier management strategy, and the cost management strategy.

The category strategy is a critical component of category management. It provides a roadmap for the organization to follow and sets out the actions that need to be taken to achieve the desired outcomes. The strategy should be aligned with the organization’s overall objectives and should be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the market or the organization’s needs.

Role of Category Management in Procurement and Accounts Payable Process

Category management plays a crucial role in the procurement and accounts payable process. It helps organizations to manage their spend in a strategic manner, identify opportunities for savings, improve supplier performance, and reduce risk. By grouping similar goods and services together and managing them as a single entity, organizations can gain a better understanding of their spend and make more informed decisions.

In the accounts payable process, category management can help to streamline the payment process, reduce errors, and improve the accuracy of payments. By grouping similar invoices together, organizations can simplify the payment process and reduce the risk of errors. This can lead to significant cost savings and improved supplier relationships.

Benefits of Category Management

Category management offers several benefits to organizations. These include cost savings, improved supplier performance, innovation, and risk management. By managing categories of spend in a strategic manner, organizations can achieve these benefits and deliver maximum value.

Cost savings are one of the most significant benefits of category management. By understanding their spend and the supply market, organizations can identify opportunities for savings and negotiate better terms with suppliers. This can lead to significant cost reductions and improve the organization’s bottom line.

Challenges of Category Management

Despite its benefits, category management also presents several challenges. These include the complexity of the process, the need for cross-functional collaboration, and the requirement for accurate and timely data. Overcoming these challenges requires a clear strategy, strong leadership, and the right tools and techniques.

The complexity of category management can be a significant challenge for many organizations. It involves a wide range of activities, from defining categories and analyzing the supply market to developing strategies and managing suppliers. This requires a high level of expertise and a deep understanding of the organization’s spend and the supply market.


Category management is a strategic approach used in procurement and accounts payable process to manage spend and deliver value. It involves grouping similar goods and services together and managing them as a single entity. Despite its complexity, category management offers several benefits, including cost savings, improved supplier performance, innovation, and risk management.