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    FREE Purchase order Template Excel [Ready to use]

    • By ProcureDesk
    • December 11,2023
    • 10 min read

    FREE Purchase order Template Excel [Ready to use]

    Free Purchase order Template Excel - [Ready to use]

    Are you looking for a purchase order template in Excel to help you with your purchase order tracking system?

    We have one right here.

    Download the purchase order template for free by using the link below.

    Purchase Order Template (.XLSX)

    In this blog, we’ll walk you through our simple purchase order template so you and your procurement teams can easily create and track orders for your business.

    But if you’re looking to automate your purchase order processing, we highly suggest you explore on using the ProcureDesk app.

    The details in this template match one of the standard purchase order templates you will find in ProcureDesk and our purchase order forms.Feel free to use our free purchase order tracking template for your business!

    Related: FREE Purchase Order Template Google Sheets [Ready To Use]

    Purchase Order Template Excel Format

    Our template is set and ready to use.

    You can print and explore the template in a pdf file. In the next few sections, we’re going to break down every section of the template and teach you how you can customize it to meet your needs.

    In this template, you will find an:

    1. Purchase order tab
    2. Purchase order tracker tab

    To start, download the template, then open it with Microsoft Excel. Here is what to do next.

    Purchase Order Template (.XLSX)

    Step 1:

    The first step is to update the logo.+

    To update the logo, open the purchase order spreadsheet and click on the highlighted cell.

    We recommend a logo of 150 x 150 pixels.

    If you have a logo saved on your computer, you can upload it.

    • Click on Insert from the main menu.
    • Then select the “Picture” option.
    • Upload the picture and resize the logo as required.

    Step 2:

    Update the purchase order header details.

    The purchase header is on the right-hand side of the sheet. See the example below:

    • First, update the date of the purchase order on the original purchase item. This is when the purchase order for the electronic purchase will be issued to the vendor.
    • Then update the purchase order number. This could be a sequential purchase order number for yourpurchase order tracking process, or you can use an intelligent number. For example, if you have multiple business units, you can use a numbering system like BU1-100001. Again it is up to you to. Your track of purchase orders is easily maintained with sequential numbers compared to the custom number.

    Step 3:

    As a business owner, always update the vendor details, Billing details, and Delivery information.

    Delivery information are as follows:

    • Deliveyr Instructions
    • Delivery Details
    • Shipping details
    • Item description
    • Business Address

    The next step for your purchasing department is to update the vendor details, where the order needs to be shipped, and where the vendor should send the invoice.

    Next, we will cover each section in detail so you can leverage your tracking software solution better.


    The vendor details are pretty straightforward. Things that you need to enter on your purchase requests:

    • Name of the vendor
    • Address of the vendor. In the case of multiple locations, choose the address from where the vendor will ship the product or provide the service.
    • Name of the supplier contact.
    • Contact detail like email and phone number of the vendor. This is helpful in case you need to reach out to the vendor. Since the information is printed on the purchase order, you don’t have to spend time finding the vendor’s contact details.

    Ship To

    The Ship to section lists the contact details and the address information. No matter the volumes of purchase orders, this is a very important step.

    • You want to put your company name and address. Vendors use this information to ship the product. Add specific details like building number, suite, or floor number to ensure the delivery can be made without confusion.
    • Contact is the person the courier can contact if they cannot find the location. Also, the vendor can contact this person in case of an issue.
    • Email and cell number so that it is easy for the shipping company or vendor to reach out.

    Bill To

    Here is another step to your purchase order tracking methods: Always remember that the Bill to section is not mandatory, but you can use this information to provide instructions on sending the bill for the purchase order.

    Specifically, suppose you are in a situation where you don’t have a standardized process for receiving invoices. In that case, this section can be very useful in driving compliance with your standard process of receiving invoices and your entire purchase order tracking solution.

    • Address if you want the bills to be mailed to a specific location. We don’t recommend putting an address here, but it is your call.
    • Instead, we recommend that you put some instructions here – for example., Send all bills to ap@yourcompany.com. All paper bills will be rejected and not processed for payment terms.
    • Billing email and contact information.

    Step 4:

    The next step is to enter any additional information for the purchase order.

    This generally includes the following steps to make it easier for your purchase tracker:

    • Agreed on payment terms and shipping terms with the vendor
    • Delivery contact if it is different from the order contact.
    • Any special freight terms that apply to the purchase.
    • Special notes or comments for the supplier.

    Step 5:

    In this step, we update the line item details for the purchase orders. This is a critical step to achieve a complete purchase. The line item details cover what you are trying to purchase from the vendor, thus contributing to better purchase order management.

    Above is a screenshot of the line item details from the purchase order template.

    The header fields are configurable, so change them to match your headings.

    Here is an explanation of the various fields in the line item details you may use for your purchase order systems:

    1. Line number: This is the sequential number for the lines used in your procurement processes.
    2. Item #: If you maintain an internal item master, this is your item number. This is generally very helpful when purchasing the same item from multiple vendors because you don’t lose the purchase history. Aside from that, it also helps you have a more efficient procurement process.
    3. Supplier Item #: This is the supplier item number. Many suppliers need this number to process the purchase order because this is how they refer to the item in their catalog.
    4. Product/Service: This describes the product or service purchased from the vendor. The more descriptive this is, the better it is for your entire procurement process.
    5. Qty: The quantity that is being purchased. In case of a service purchase, make it one.
    6. UOM: It is the Unit of measure for the purchase, For example – Each pack, case, etc. In case of a service purchase, you can leave this as Each unless it is professional services and you are purchasing a fixed set of hours. In that case, the UOM is going to be HR or HOORS
    7. Unit price: The agreed price you will pay to acquire the product or service.
    8. Other: Any other charges that you have agreed with the vendor. This could be expedited shipping.
    9. Total: This is the total for that line item. The formula automatically calculates the total based on the line amount and other charges.
    10. Delivery date: This is the expected delivery date. Some vendors have fixed lead times and will not accept an order with expedited delivery requirements.

    Step 6:

    This section covers any additional shipping and taxes that are added to the purchase order for your full-scale procurement system:

    Here is how it looks in the template:

    • The sub-total is automatically calculated based on the line total.
    • Calculate the taxes and any shipping charges and add them to the purchase order spreadsheet.
    • The template then automatically calculates the order total based on the above three factors giving a real-time status.

    Step 7:

    This step is not mandatory, but many companies want to put an authorized signatory on the purchase order.

    The idea is that this ensures that the purchase order comes from the authorized buyer and not anyone from the company.

    Here is how it looks in the template:

    You can replace the image with the signatures of the authorized signatory.

    • Click on the image and hit delete on your keyboard.
    • Then Insert the image using Insert -> Picture option on your spreadsheet.

    Step 8:

    This is the final step in the purchase order process. Once the purchase order is ready, you need to send this to the supplier.

    We have done all the work for you. All you need to do in this step is to print the purchase order and save it as PDF file so you can gain real-time insight into your business

    Here are the steps:

    1. Click on File and then the Print option

    2. This will open the following dialog box:

    Click on the PDF option, select the location where you want to save the purchase order, and then save the purchase order in the PDF version.

    And That’s it; you now have a purchase order that you can send to the vendor for better real-time tracking and real-time updates for your business.

    Step 9:

    Optionally, you can also keep track of the purchase orders for our administrative tasks.

    To update the purchase order tracker for your preferred suppliers or even individual suppliers, go to the “Purchase Order tracker” tab and update the information:

    Here is a screenshot of the purchase order tracker for your supplier systems:

    The fields are self-explanatory, but here is a brief overview of the fields for a better database solution:

    1. Purchase order # that you just created.
    2. Purchase order date: The date that is printed on the purchase order.
    3. Name of the vendor for whom the purchase order is issued.
    4. Amount of the purchase order.
    5. The issue date is when the purchase order was sent to the vendor. This date should be the same as the purchase order date. In case there is a delay in sending the purchase order, then this could be different. This also prevents any invoice fraud.
    6. Expected delivery date so you can use this information to follow up with the vendor if the delivery is delayed.
    7. The status could be “Sent to Supplier,” “Delivered,” or “Closed” so that you know what are the next steps for the purchase order.

    Related: Everything You Need To Know About Procurement Systems

    Benefits Of Using A Purchase Order Form Template

    Do you know that using a purchase order form template is the first step to keep track of your company’s purchasing history?

    Afterall, it pays to have an official record for your transactions. Aside from that, here are other ways a purchase order form template can help you in your business:

    • Free: No investment required. Most companies have a Microsoft Excel license.
    • Simple: It’s easy to get started. You can skip the learning curve since the template is straightforward.
    • Track purchase orders: Being able to track purchase orders in one place helps you understand how much you owe to other trading partners.
    • Inventory Management: The template can serve as your personal inventory solution. It helps you gain optimal inventory levels.
    • Supplier Management: A purchase order template can help your company towards better vendor management. There are lower chances of human errors during your approval process and approval workflows. You can also reduce risks in other areas like shipping costs, organizing legal contract purchases, identifying your delivery status, etc.

    A purchase order template can help your company boost organizational performance. Simply using tracking sheets and leveraging technology makes processing purchases easier and more efficient.

    Drawbacks Of Using A Purchase Order Template

    While there are some obvious advantages of using a purchase order tracker Excel sheet, there are some disadvantages, too:

    1. Manual effort: Filling in the relevant information takes time to generate a purchase order. The larger the volume, the longer it takes to generate purchase orders.
    2. Accuracy of information: Every new person you add to your team needs training on the tracker. This leads to inaccurate data and, as a result, delays in getting the required material or service.
    3. Lack of scalability: This process is not scalable enough to support growing companies, especially when you don’t have a purchasing team to generate the purchase orders manually.

    Related: Procurement Automation For Your Business Success

    If you’re looking to automate your processes, you might want to check out our tool ProcureDesk. We have a team of experts who can walk you through how our tool works. Click here to see it in action

    The Bottomline

    Downloading our purchase order template is the easiest way to generate purchase orders. It’s such a simple way to begin.

    But, what happens when you create more than 20 monthly purchase orders a month?

    In this case, you would need a centralized system to create, manage orders, and control costs within your business. That’s where our cloud-based software ProcureDesk can help.

    It’s important that you have a central place to track all your purchase order commitments and other contract purchases. Our software solution can also help you with your cost control process so that only approved purchases are issued to the supplier.

    What you should do now

    Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways we can help you scale your purchasing and Accounts payable process.

    1. Claim your Free Strategy Session. If you’d like to work with us to implement a process to control spending, and spend less time matching invoices, claim your Free Strategy Session. One of our process experts will understand your current purchasing situation and then suggest practical strategies to reduce the purchase order approval cycle.
    2. If you’d like to know the maturity of your purchasing process, download our purchasing process grader and identify exactly what you should be working on next to improve your purchasing and AP process.
    3. If you’d like to enhance your knowledge about the purchasing process, check out our blog or Resources section.
    4. If you know another professional who’d enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, Linkedin, Twitter.